Make It Monday #130: Using Heat N' Bond to Make Fabric Die Cuts

I bought some muslin bags from Papertrey Ink, a while back, to fill with dried lavender from our garden. I then add these to the wardrobes to fill them with a subtle scent. The bags aren't pretty to look at but this weeks MIM is sorting this out. I didn't have any heat n bond and when I went to the shop it was sold in 5 yards and was expensive. I then found a lovely seller on ebay that sold smaller amounts and hoped it would get to me in time.

It did! (Thanks for excellent service Julie's Crafty things). I followed Erin's tutorial and voila my muslin bag is ready for it's lavender to be added. (The lavender is wrapped in kitchen roll and left in the airing cupboard for a week to dry). My daughter decided she'd like a star and when you give your child a long name you have to go with initials for personalisation!

2013 has given us our coldest Winter and warmest Summer. The children are back to school but have loved being able to play outside for the Summer. I hit the gym and forgot how missing only a couple of weeks lower my fitness levels. My Zumba instructor was laughing as I left exhausted!

Bye for now,


  1. This looks teriffic. You are always so good about playing along with the Make it Monday's.

  2. Lovely lavender bag! What a wonderfully scented gift to give.

  3. This is a wonderful way to personalize your lavender bags! It must be a delight to open one of your drawers!

  4. Great idea to put your lavender in those bags! I love how you've personalized your bag with the star and letter.

  5. I love lavender - great job on the MIM - the muslin bags are perfect for this technique. My excuse for not participating this week is it is too hot to turn on the iron LOL .

  6. The lavender is beautiful. Your muslin bags turned out so cute. Great idea!

  7. Oh, I love this idea, Victoria! Lavender is a beautiful gift by itself, but in your pretty muslin bag, it really makes it 'special' :)


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