Although it would be great to re-make a card with one of the awesome techniques I learnt during SAF; I saw the liquid leaf on my desk and had an 18th birthday card to make so decided to gild the numerals with silver. I just know I'm going to paint all sorts of things silver!
Coincidentally during the SAF weekend my daughter and her friend created a fun photo, it immediately made me think of Lexi's Andy Warhol inspired challenge, so I bought this £1 photo frame from Ikea (thanks Laurie Willison as I saw that bargain frame on your blog.)
Hope you are enjoying the Summer. I have been keeping busy.
Best wishes
Coincidentally during the SAF weekend my daughter and her friend created a fun photo, it immediately made me think of Lexi's Andy Warhol inspired challenge, so I bought this £1 photo frame from Ikea (thanks Laurie Willison as I saw that bargain frame on your blog.)
Hope you are enjoying the Summer. I have been keeping busy.
Best wishes
Love your gilded '18'! And your photo is a masterpiece!